How to Post

Crash Course Videos

Below is a guide to releasing your post, from conception to sharing your live link. Did you see the crash course on making post? Here it is just in case: Crash Course Videos

1: Define Your Purpose

Before you start creating a post show, it's important to determine its purpose. was made to help viewers lock into this. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with the show and how you want to present the content. Will it be a narrative voice show or music based? Are you making it for someone, a group, or both? as there is a feature to allow for only certain people to see certain elements. Defining these aspects will help you plan the outline, tempo, and content assets of your shows.

2: Brainstorm your Content

Once you have a clear purpose and format in mind, it's time to plan the content of your post show. Decide on the topics you want to cover and create an outline or script to guide you during the show. You can paste in the outline to kick start the post with each line of text on its own slide.

3: Gather Assets

Great shows need great assets (or creativity). You can use your own of course, but part of the fun is scavenging the internet. Search stock videos, stock photos, creative commons audio, etc. Your phone's photo app is a treasure trove, especially for panoramic and lifted stickers (you can drag them when you switch to your mobile browser with open. Make a folder on your computer for all your assets, and also include a notepad for your post. It could include your vision board outline, credits where you note their name/username, URL, comments. The notepad will also be useful to paste in CSS snippets you find from the internet to review before you paste them in the web Inspector. Also ensure you have a reliable internet connection if you're planning on uploading assets. Additionally, consider using photo video editing software to enhance the quality of your assets before they get uploaded / dropped if needed.

4: Proof viewing, and on Mobile

Before going live with your post, it's essential to test how it'll look on a mobile device also. In your browser's Web Inspector, flip on simulated device mode. Or you can squeeze in and out the browser for a rough idea. Repositioning the layers where you want will save it accordingly for landscape or portrait. Receiving feedback from others can also be beneficial in refining your show.

5: Your Call to Action

Engage with your audience with your Call to Action that will appear on the last slide of each show. The link can be anything if you're a member, not just a checkout page, but a link that redirects to feedback, live chats, etc.

6: Credit, Promote and Share

Once your post show is ready, don't forget to promote and share it with your audience. Remember those notes that credited link attributions? Add them on the top left pencil icon for the post for link building. Utilize your social media platforms, website, or email newsletters to announce upcoming posts with just the cover image. Then provide the link when ready. Consider creating teaser trailers or snippets to generate excitement and attract new viewers. Engage with your audience by asking for their input on future show topics or guests. Remember, creating post shows is a continuous learning process. Take feedback from your audience into account and make adjustments as necessary. Reach out to us if you have issues or improvement ideas. With time and practice, your post shows will become more engaging, entertaining, and enjoyable for your audience.

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